
Calmi Ring

Calmi Ring

A wearable device that monitors and manages social anxiety in situations where typical interventions aren't feasible.

A wearable device that monitors and manages social anxiety in situations where typical interventions aren't feasible.


Design Strategy
User Research & Analysis
Concept Development
Interaction Design
Usability Testing
Design Strategy
User Research & Analysis
Concept Development
Interaction Design
Usability Testing


Google Workspace
Google Workspace


Overall: 8+ weeks
Research: 2+ weeks
Design & testing: 6 weeks
Overall: 8+ weeks
Research: 2+ weeks
Design & testing: 6 weeks


Percy Long,
Hrithik Sanyal,
Yaqi (Angie) Liang,
Rhea Acharya
Percy Long,
Hrithik Sanyal,
Yaqi (Angie) Liang,
Rhea Acharya


Calmi Ring incorporates three key sensors: a heart rate monitor, a skin condition sensor, and an algorithm to analyze biometric signals. The device features a haptic feedback mechanism that delivers consistent reminders to engage in calming activities. The Calmi Ring system provides users with real-time insights into their emotional well-being and proactive support for managing anxiety in their daily lives.


Looking back at the creation of the Smart Anxiety Management Ring and the accompanying mobile app, the main drawback is that the prototype was only medium-fidelity. Due to limitations in terms of time, technological accessibility, and the requirement for preliminary testing, fully functional functionalities were not able to be implemented, therefore simulated interactions through Wizard of Oz were utilized instead. The depth of user feedback and the capacity to thoroughly verify the efficacy of stress-detection techniques may be impacted by this constraint. The physical prototype and simulated app interface will be iteratively improved in the next stages in response to user testing and feedback sessions.

Additionally, exploring advanced stress-detection methods and refining the system's architecture to address any identified limitations will be crucial in realizing a comprehensive and user-friendly Smart Anxiety Management Ring. The development process has provided valuable insights into the challenges of balancing functionality with feasibility and user experience, emphasizing the importance of continuous refinement to meet user expectations and address emerging issues.


Calmi Ring incorporates three key sensors: a heart rate monitor, a skin condition sensor, and an algorithm to analyze biometric signals. The device features a haptic feedback mechanism that delivers consistent reminders to engage in calming activities. The Calmi Ring system provides users with real-time insights into their emotional well-being and proactive support for managing anxiety in their daily lives.


Looking back at the creation of the Smart Anxiety Management Ring and the accompanying mobile app, the main drawback is that the prototype was only medium-fidelity. Due to limitations in terms of time, technological accessibility, and the requirement for preliminary testing, fully functional functionalities were not able to be implemented, therefore simulated interactions through Wizard of Oz were utilized instead. The depth of user feedback and the capacity to thoroughly verify the efficacy of stress-detection techniques may be impacted by this constraint. The physical prototype and simulated app interface will be iteratively improved in the next stages in response to user testing and feedback sessions.

Additionally, exploring advanced stress-detection methods and refining the system's architecture to address any identified limitations will be crucial in realizing a comprehensive and user-friendly Smart Anxiety Management Ring. The development process has provided valuable insights into the challenges of balancing functionality with feasibility and user experience, emphasizing the importance of continuous refinement to meet user expectations and address emerging issues.


Calmi Ring incorporates three key sensors: a heart rate monitor, a skin condition sensor, and an algorithm to analyze biometric signals. The device features a haptic feedback mechanism that delivers consistent reminders to engage in calming activities. The Calmi Ring system provides users with real-time insights into their emotional well-being and proactive support for managing anxiety in their daily lives.


Looking back at the creation of the Smart Anxiety Management Ring and the accompanying mobile app, the main drawback is that the prototype was only medium-fidelity. Due to limitations in terms of time, technological accessibility, and the requirement for preliminary testing, fully functional functionalities were not able to be implemented, therefore simulated interactions through Wizard of Oz were utilized instead. The depth of user feedback and the capacity to thoroughly verify the efficacy of stress-detection techniques may be impacted by this constraint. The physical prototype and simulated app interface will be iteratively improved in the next stages in response to user testing and feedback sessions.

Additionally, exploring advanced stress-detection methods and refining the system's architecture to address any identified limitations will be crucial in realizing a comprehensive and user-friendly Smart Anxiety Management Ring. The development process has provided valuable insights into the challenges of balancing functionality with feasibility and user experience, emphasizing the importance of continuous refinement to meet user expectations and address emerging issues.

Formative Studies

Contextual Inquiry

Our team identified chances for ubiquitous computing during the first milestone and created about 80 potential concepts for pervasive interface design. The focus of pervasive interaction design is on creating engaging technology for emerging mobile and context-aware technologies and how to integrate it into users' regular activities. Each team member came up with 20 suggestions, we discussed them, and then we chose 2 or 3 concepts as our best options. After two voting rounds, we settled on three target user groups: people who experience anxiety in public settings, people who presently own cars at their houses, and those who currently own and manage their medication at home. Identifying our target user groups and issue statements was M1's primary objective. Additionally, we go over the project's next move.

Contextual Inquiry

Our team identified chances for ubiquitous computing during the first milestone and created about 80 potential concepts for pervasive interface design. The focus of pervasive interaction design is on creating engaging technology for emerging mobile and context-aware technologies and how to integrate it into users' regular activities. Each team member came up with 20 suggestions, we discussed them, and then we chose 2 or 3 concepts as our best options. After two voting rounds, we settled on three target user groups: people who experience anxiety in public settings, people who presently own cars at their houses, and those who currently own and manage their medication at home. Identifying our target user groups and issue statements was M1's primary objective. Additionally, we go over the project's next move.


The dot voting method in Figjam to narrow opportunities down into 3 environments and target users for the application of our ideas.

Concept 1:

Concept 1:

Managing anxiety in public spaces

Managing anxiety in public spaces

Concept 3:

Concept 3:

Managing medications at home

Managing medications at home

Concept 3:

Concept 3:

Managing medications at home

Managing medications at home


We utilized contextual inquiry for these 3 concepts and gained some insights for our product scope.

Concept 1: Managing anxiety in public spaces

  1. Participants considered themselves quite outgoing and social.

  2. Anxiety came up in situations where the participant felt judged or under pressure in social situations.

  3. One participant showed their hands, and spots of raw skin they’d picked away at while feeling fidgety and restless.

Concept 2: Turn the ignition of their cars remotely

  1. All participants emphasize the importance of connectivity and remote control features for vehicle health and comfort.

  2. They seek improvements in technology, like reducing lag and enhancing diagnostics/customization.

  3. Appreciation for remote start to manage winter conditions, minimizing battery issues.

Concept 3: Managing medications at home

  1. Emphasize the need for a comprehensive medication management solution.

  2. Prioritize adherence, user-friendly tech tools, and monitoring solutions for expiration and refills.

  3. Highlight the complexity of managing medication for multiple family members and the necessity for organized tracking systems.


We selected managing public anxiety (Concept 1) as our product opportunity for the next phase. We're drawn to this topic because the target group is easily accessible for further investigation and it resonates with us as graduate students.

Diary Study

We first chose the diary study because it offers better organized and appropriate research for our problem space. We require data that participants frequently record their anxiety behaviors over a specified period rather than some open-ended, creative tasks to capture their experience without particular daily prompts since we are researching how we could ease people with anxiety in public. In general, we think a diary study makes finding the precise information we require easier.

Diary Study

We first chose the diary study because it offers better organized and appropriate research for our problem space. We require data that participants frequently record their anxiety behaviors over a specified period rather than some open-ended, creative tasks to capture their experience without particular daily prompts since we are researching how we could ease people with anxiety in public. In general, we think a diary study makes finding the precise information we require easier.

Overarching Questions

  • Identify specific anxiety triggers and their frequency in public spaces.

  • Document physical and emotional signs of anxiety and explore preferences for coping strategies in public settings.

    1. What specific factors or situations triggered or reduced your anxiety in the public space today?

    2. What signs of nervousness show up physically and emotionally in public settings?

    3. What time of day do these situations occur?

    4. How often do these situations occur?

    5. What are people's preferences and unmet requirements when it comes to dealing with anxiety in public settings?

Overarching Questions

  • Identify specific anxiety triggers and their frequency in public spaces.

  • Document physical and emotional signs of anxiety and explore preferences for coping strategies in public settings.

    1. What specific factors or situations triggered or reduced your anxiety in the public space today?

    2. What signs of nervousness show up physically and emotionally in public settings?

    3. What time of day do these situations occur?

    4. How often do these situations occur?

    5. What are people's preferences and unmet requirements when it comes to dealing with anxiety in public settings?

Execution Plan

  • Recruitment

  • Email, social media promotion, and explain the study

  • During diary study

    • Kind reminders every other day to participants

  • Synthesis

    • Analysis, clustering findings, visualize

Total response



  • No more than 5 minutes every day

  • Day to night Diary entries: require participants to log every day before they sleep, including emotion , to help us collect qualitative data used for analyzing and identifying patterns and themes.



  • Organize responses

  • Identify key quotes and cluster recurring insights into categories

  • Synthesize key findings into overarching themes

  • Create personas and journey maps

Finding 1: Morning Reflections

So this is how the users felt in the morning about the day ahead:

  • Neutrality

  • Nervousness

  • Anger

  • Sadness

  • Being ignored

  • Frustration

  • Excitement

  • feel great

  • Other..

Finding 1.2: Anxiety Triggers

Most common factors that triggered anxiety in users in public spaces:

  • Not feeling anxious

  • Social interactions

  • Speaking in public

  • Being watched

Finding 2: Coping Mechanism

The most common coping mechanisms with anxiety in public spaces are (in order):

  • Not feeling anxious

  • Support from friends or family

  • Have a nice sleep

  • Exercise

Finding 3: Social Interactions

Most common engagement in social interactions while in public spaces by the users are:

  • Nervousness

  • Neutrality

  • Embarrassment

  • Anger

  • Sadness

  • Being ignored

  • Panic

  • Frustration

  • Contentment


In order to support and quantify the qualitative findings from the accompanying diary study, we planned to get quantitative data from the survey method. It primarily follows a quantitative approach while including a few short-answer questions for qualitative insights. This guarantees a more complete and fact-based grasp of the issue.


In order to support and quantify the qualitative findings from the accompanying diary study, we planned to get quantitative data from the survey method. It primarily follows a quantitative approach while including a few short-answer questions for qualitative insights. This guarantees a more complete and fact-based grasp of the issue.


In order to support and quantify the qualitative findings from the accompanying diary study, we planned to get quantitative data from the survey method. It primarily follows a quantitative approach while including a few short-answer questions for qualitative insights. This guarantees a more complete and fact-based grasp of the issue.

Overarching Questions

  • What causes social anxiety in public situations, and how do people typically cope with it?

  • How does social anxiety in public settings impact individuals, and does this impact vary across audiences?

  • What are current support systems effective in helping people manage social anxiety in public places?

  • What are users' preferences and unmet needs in this regard?

  • What are the most efficient strategies for addressing social anxiety in public settings?

Overarching Questions

  • What causes social anxiety in public situations, and how do people typically cope with it?

  • How does social anxiety in public settings impact individuals, and does this impact vary across audiences?

  • What are current support systems effective in helping people manage social anxiety in public places?

  • What are users' preferences and unmet needs in this regard?

  • What are the most efficient strategies for addressing social anxiety in public settings?

Overarching Questions

  • What causes social anxiety in public situations, and how do people typically cope with it?

  • How does social anxiety in public settings impact individuals, and does this impact vary across audiences?

  • What are current support systems effective in helping people manage social anxiety in public places?

  • What are users' preferences and unmet needs in this regard?

  • What are the most efficient strategies for addressing social anxiety in public settings?

Execution Plan

  • Literature Review on Social Anxiety

  • Design survey on Google forms

  • Simultaneous recruitment & deployment

    • Organize responses

    • Synthesize key findings into overarching themes

Total response

38 responses out of a total of 50


Google Forms, Figma, FigJam, and Online social platforms like Slack for the deployment of survey



  • Organize responses

  • Identify key quotes and cluster recurring insights into categories

  • Synthesize key findings into overarching themes

  • Create personas and journey maps


Google Forms, Figma, FigJam, and Online social platforms like Slack for the deployment of survey



  • Organize responses

  • Identify key quotes and cluster recurring insights into categories

  • Synthesize key findings into overarching themes

  • Create personas and journey maps

Finding 1: Anxiety

The most common triggers of anxiety in public spaces are (in order):

  • Speaking in public

  • Judgment by others

  • Social interactions

  • Security/safety concerns

Finding 2.1: Coping Mechanism

Most common coping mechanism with anxiety in public spaces are (in order):

  • Avoidance of public space

  • Deep breathing exercises

  • Listening to music or a podcast

  • Seeking support from friends/family

Finding 2.2: Effectiveness of Coping Mechanism

Most common effectiveness of various coping mechanism with anxiety in public spaces are (in order of scale 1-5):

  • Avoidance of public space (5)

  • Seeking support from friends/family (3)

  • Listening to music or a podcast (3)

  • Other coping strategies (3)

  • Deep breathing exercises (3)

  • Medication (1 & 3)

  • Seeking professional help or therapy (1)

Finding 3: Challenges and Desired Change

The most common challenges faced when managing anxiety in public spaces (in order):

  • Avoiding triggers in public spaces

  • Experiencing physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, or blushing

  • Hard to find a calm place & Feeling overwhelmed by sensory stimuli (e.g., noise, lights)

  • Seeking reassurance or support from others in public spaces

Target User

We created our primary persona, Sophia, to better grasp and picture our target audience. We developed a user empathy map to delve deeper into Sophia's emotions, thoughts, hearing, seeing, saying, and doing. Additionally, we crafted a journey map to illustrate Sophia's path in navigating her social anxiety.

Target User

We created our primary persona, Sophia, to better grasp and picture our target audience. We developed a user empathy map to delve deeper into Sophia's emotions, thoughts, hearing, seeing, saying, and doing. Additionally, we crafted a journey map to illustrate Sophia's path in navigating her social anxiety.

Target User

We created our primary persona, Sophia, to better grasp and picture our target audience. We developed a user empathy map to delve deeper into Sophia's emotions, thoughts, hearing, seeing, saying, and doing. Additionally, we crafted a journey map to illustrate Sophia's path in navigating her social anxiety.

Entry-level professionals & college students

Age of 20-35

Experience anxiety in public settings


Meet our primary user


User Empathy Map of our primary user

User Empathy Map of our

primary user

Journey Map


Current-state user journey map (without the Calmi Ring)

User Enactment

We gathered valuable feedback from both users and lectures, prompting us to reconsider and enhance our Smart Ring. Initially addressing anxiety in public spaces, feedback guided us to refine proactiveness levels, suggesting activities to combat anxiety. Targeting graduate students, our project initially focused on anxiety alerts but evolved with user insights. Distinct from competitors, our Smart Ring's unique features were honed through iterative feedback, leading to four crucial aspects: customizable features, stress-inducing vibrations, visibility/functionality concerns, and clear instructions. Selection was based on feasibility and user priorities.

User Enactment

We gathered valuable feedback from both users and lectures, prompting us to reconsider and enhance our Smart Ring. Initially addressing anxiety in public spaces, feedback guided us to refine proactiveness levels, suggesting activities to combat anxiety. Targeting graduate students, our project initially focused on anxiety alerts but evolved with user insights. Distinct from competitors, our Smart Ring's unique features were honed through iterative feedback, leading to four crucial aspects: customizable features, stress-inducing vibrations, visibility/functionality concerns, and clear instructions. Selection was based on feasibility and user priorities.

User Enactment

We gathered valuable feedback from both users and lectures, prompting us to reconsider and enhance our Smart Ring. Initially addressing anxiety in public spaces, feedback guided us to refine proactiveness levels, suggesting activities to combat anxiety. Targeting graduate students, our project initially focused on anxiety alerts but evolved with user insights. Distinct from competitors, our Smart Ring's unique features were honed through iterative feedback, leading to four crucial aspects: customizable features, stress-inducing vibrations, visibility/functionality concerns, and clear instructions. Selection was based on feasibility and user priorities.


Speed-Dating Matrix for User Enactments

Speed-Dating Matrix for

User Enactments

User Enactments Scenarios

Scenario 1: Actionable steps to become calm in a moment of anxiety

During a hectic exam period at the university library, Sophia, feeling overwhelmed, activates their wearable device's "Calming Anxiety" feature. The device guides Sophia to breathe and count, reducing anxiety. It suggests a quiet study spot on a displayed map, helping Sophia find solace away from the crowds. Following a mindfulness exercise, Sophia becomes calmer. The device then offers study tips, enabling Sophia to concentrate and study effectively for exams.

Scenario 2: Device nudges the user to breathe better

Sophia, in a stressful work meeting, receives prompts from her wearable detecting tension. Guided to focus on breathing, Sophia feels immediate relief. The device monitors anxiety, providing subtle reminders to breathe deeply, helping Sophia stay calm and focused throughout the high-pressure meeting. Relying on wearable cues, Sophia successfully manages stress, contributing to a more productive and less stressful work environment.

Scenario 3: Managing Anxiety with a Smart Ring

Meet Sophia, a busy professional equipped with a stress-detecting smart ring. Monitoring skin conductance, body temperature, and heart rate, it alerts her to increased tension, prompting breaks or breathing exercises. Integrated with her smart home, it adjusts lighting and plays calming music during high-stress moments. Sophia evaluates stress levels and activities through a smartphone app, using the ring for meditation and mindful exercises, relying on it for a balanced, healthy life.

Scenario 4: A Productive Workday with a Smart Voice Assistant

Meet Sophia, a tech professional leveraging smart devices throughout her day. From morning schedule checks to choosing outfits based on weather predictions with her smart mirror, Sophia seamlessly integrates technology. She organizes calls, manages tasks, and adjusts her home environment using voice commands. Evenings involve recipe searches, movie selections, and hands-free phone calls. Sophia concludes her day by having her smart assistant set an alarm and read her a bedtime story for a restful sleep.

Scenario 5: Seeking Professional Help with a Smart Ring

Meet Sophia, a busy professional battling increasing anxiety. Equipped with a smart ring, Sophia's heart rate is continuously monitored. Upon detecting heightened anxiety, the ring alerts a predetermined list, including a mental health professional and loved ones. During a stressful work presentation, the ring triggers an alert, notifying Sophia's therapist and a friend. Prompt responses provide immediate guidance and emotional support. The smart ring's ongoing monitoring facilitates tailored treatment adjustments, offering Sophia an extra layer of support in her journey to overcome anxiety.

Scenario 6: Fighting Anxiety with Meditation and Deep breathing using a Smart Ring

Meet Sophia, a young professional juggling a fast-paced career and a bustling family life. Her discreet smart ring monitors heart rate and skin conductance, detecting anxiety levels. Configured for haptic reminders, it vibrates at intervals, prompting her to pause for meditation or deep breaths, a lifeline in her hectic schedule. The smart ring seamlessly integrates with Sophia's smartphone, allowing her to review anxiety patterns and relaxation sessions in the evening. This data-driven approach empowers her to understand stress triggers and practice mindfulness. Sophia relies on her trusty smart ring as a steadfast companion, finding moments of calm amidst life's chaos.


Speed-Dating Matrix for User Enactments

User Enactments Key Findings

After the prototyping study, our team analyzed the results and identified key themes. We reviewed the feedback and pinpointed recurring patterns in the participants’ insights related to areas for improvement in both the wristband and smart ring prototypes. These patterns were then rephrased into significant findings below that guided the next stages of our design process.

  • Finding 1: Desire for customizable features in the smart ring

    All participants in our study underscore the importance of customization for the smart ring. Participants desire the ability to choose various responses from the ring, including options for color, text, sound, and vibration. This finding emphasizes a need for a personalized user experience, allowing individuals to tailor the device to their preferences. This may not only enhance user satisfaction but also potentially hold the potential to improve the device’s effectiveness in managing anxiety in public spaces.

  • Finding 2: Vibration induces stress

    Most of the participants expressed that the vibration from the wristband/smart ring increased their stress levels. This feedback suggests that alternative methods of notification or interaction may be necessary to avoid exacerbating anxiety. One of the participants suggested self-encouragement and relaxation methods, such as natural scenes, as potential solutions. Addressing this issue is crucial for ensuring that the device effectively aids in anxiety management without inadvertently causing distress

  • Finding 3: Concerns about visibility and functionality

    For the smart ring, participants wondered about the feasibility of heart rate detection through a ring. They also raised concern about the visibility of the ring color during a presentation, suggesting that the color change is intended primarily as a personal reminder about anxiety levels rather than a conspicuous display. This feedback suggests a need for discreet and subtle yet effective functionality for user comfort and acceptance.

  • Finding 3: Concerns about visibility and functionality

    Some participants raised questions about how to detect or activate the device, and how to navigate when in unfamiliar public places about the feature of wristbands in avoiding places with anxiety triggers. This feedback indicates a need for clear instructions, and possibly incorporating visual or auditory cues to assist users in understanding and utilizing the device effectively.

User Enactments Key Findings

After the prototyping study, our team analyzed the results and identified key themes. We reviewed the feedback and pinpointed recurring patterns in the participants’ insights related to areas for improvement in both the wristband and smart ring prototypes. These patterns were then rephrased into significant findings below that guided the next stages of our design process.

  • Finding 1: Desire for customizable features in the smart ring

    All participants in our study underscore the importance of customization for the smart ring. Participants desire the ability to choose various responses from the ring, including options for color, text, sound, and vibration. This finding emphasizes a need for a personalized user experience, allowing individuals to tailor the device to their preferences. This may not only enhance user satisfaction but also potentially hold the potential to improve the device’s effectiveness in managing anxiety in public spaces.

  • Finding 2: Vibration induces stress

    Most of the participants expressed that the vibration from the wristband/smart ring increased their stress levels. This feedback suggests that alternative methods of notification or interaction may be necessary to avoid exacerbating anxiety. One of the participants suggested self-encouragement and relaxation methods, such as natural scenes, as potential solutions. Addressing this issue is crucial for ensuring that the device effectively aids in anxiety management without inadvertently causing distress

  • Finding 3: Concerns about visibility and functionality

    For the smart ring, participants wondered about the feasibility of heart rate detection through a ring. They also raised concern about the visibility of the ring color during a presentation, suggesting that the color change is intended primarily as a personal reminder about anxiety levels rather than a conspicuous display. This feedback suggests a need for discreet and subtle yet effective functionality for user comfort and acceptance.

  • Finding 3: Concerns about visibility and functionality

    Some participants raised questions about how to detect or activate the device, and how to navigate when in unfamiliar public places about the feature of wristbands in avoiding places with anxiety triggers. This feedback indicates a need for clear instructions, and possibly incorporating visual or auditory cues to assist users in understanding and utilizing the device effectively.

User Enactments Key Findings

After the prototyping study, our team analyzed the results and identified key themes. We reviewed the feedback and pinpointed recurring patterns in the participants’ insights related to areas for improvement in both the wristband and smart ring prototypes. These patterns were then rephrased into significant findings below that guided the next stages of our design process.

  • Finding 1: Desire for customizable features in the smart ring

    All participants in our study underscore the importance of customization for the smart ring. Participants desire the ability to choose various responses from the ring, including options for color, text, sound, and vibration. This finding emphasizes a need for a personalized user experience, allowing individuals to tailor the device to their preferences. This may not only enhance user satisfaction but also potentially hold the potential to improve the device’s effectiveness in managing anxiety in public spaces.

  • Finding 2: Vibration induces stress

    Most of the participants expressed that the vibration from the wristband/smart ring increased their stress levels. This feedback suggests that alternative methods of notification or interaction may be necessary to avoid exacerbating anxiety. One of the participants suggested self-encouragement and relaxation methods, such as natural scenes, as potential solutions. Addressing this issue is crucial for ensuring that the device effectively aids in anxiety management without inadvertently causing distress

  • Finding 3: Concerns about visibility and functionality

    For the smart ring, participants wondered about the feasibility of heart rate detection through a ring. They also raised concern about the visibility of the ring color during a presentation, suggesting that the color change is intended primarily as a personal reminder about anxiety levels rather than a conspicuous display. This feedback suggests a need for discreet and subtle yet effective functionality for user comfort and acceptance.

  • Finding 3: Concerns about visibility and functionality

    Some participants raised questions about how to detect or activate the device, and how to navigate when in unfamiliar public places about the feature of wristbands in avoiding places with anxiety triggers. This feedback indicates a need for clear instructions, and possibly incorporating visual or auditory cues to assist users in understanding and utilizing the device effectively.

System Concept

Idea Description

The main idea behind this product is to create a smart ring with a corresponding mobile application that can detect stress levels and give users instant feedback to help them manage their anxiety. By allowing personalization, reducing stress-inducing elements like vibrations, maintaining discrete functionality, and offering clear instructions for optimal operation, the device seeks to improve the user experience.

Proposed Key Features


  • Description: Users can tailor the reactions of the smart ring in terms of color, text, sound, and vibration. This function offers a customized user experience by enabling users to modify the device to correspond with their preferences.

  • Implementation: The corresponding mobile application will feature an easy-to-use interface, allowing users to adjust the output settings readily. There will be choices for sound effects, vibration patterns, and color schemes.

Silent Mode

  • Description: Thanks to silent mode, users can discreetly use the smart ring in public places without drawing attention. The ring won't show any buzz and colors in this mode, protecting privacy and avoiding any possible stressors brought on by being visible to the public.

  • Implementation: The smartphone app or a pre-programmed motion on the smart ring are the two ways users can enter Silent Mode. The gadget will continue to track stress levels in this mode, but it won't show any obvious warnings.

Stress-Reducing Feedback Mechanism

  • Description: If vibrations can cause stress, the gadget will provide different feedback methods that reduce tension. To induce relaxation, users can choose to have calming pictures or self-encouraging phrases displayed on the ring.

  • Implementation: There will be several customized feedback options available in the mobile app. Users can select between calming scenes, vibrations, or visual clues depending on their preferences.


  • Description: The mobile app will supply clear instructions regarding device activation and navigation to address customer inquiries. Users will find it easier to comprehend and make use of the smart ring's functionalities with the help of visual and audio clues, particularly in public spaces they are unfamiliar with.

  • Implementation: The mobile app will include an extensive user manual with detailed instructions. In order to assist users in activating particular functionalities, the smart ring may also include subtly colored dots.

System Concept

Idea Description

The main idea behind this product is to create a smart ring with a corresponding mobile application that can detect stress levels and give users instant feedback to help them manage their anxiety. By allowing personalization, reducing stress-inducing elements like vibrations, maintaining discrete functionality, and offering clear instructions for optimal operation, the device seeks to improve the user experience.

Proposed Key Features


  • Description: Users can tailor the reactions of the smart ring in terms of color, text, sound, and vibration. This function offers a customized user experience by enabling users to modify the device to correspond with their preferences.

  • Implementation: The corresponding mobile application will feature an easy-to-use interface, allowing users to adjust the output settings readily. There will be choices for sound effects, vibration patterns, and color schemes.

Silent Mode

  • Description: Thanks to silent mode, users can discreetly use the smart ring in public places without drawing attention. The ring won't show any buzz and colors in this mode, protecting privacy and avoiding any possible stressors brought on by being visible to the public.

  • Implementation: The smartphone app or a pre-programmed motion on the smart ring are the two ways users can enter Silent Mode. The gadget will continue to track stress levels in this mode, but it won't show any obvious warnings.

Stress-Reducing Feedback Mechanism

  • Description: If vibrations can cause stress, the gadget will provide different feedback methods that reduce tension. To induce relaxation, users can choose to have calming pictures or self-encouraging phrases displayed on the ring.

  • Implementation: There will be several customized feedback options available in the mobile app. Users can select between calming scenes, vibrations, or visual clues depending on their preferences.


  • Description: The mobile app will supply clear instructions regarding device activation and navigation to address customer inquiries. Users will find it easier to comprehend and make use of the smart ring's functionalities with the help of visual and audio clues, particularly in public spaces they are unfamiliar with.

  • Implementation: The mobile app will include an extensive user manual with detailed instructions. In order to assist users in activating particular functionalities, the smart ring may also include subtly colored dots.

System Concept

Idea Description

The main idea behind this product is to create a smart ring with a corresponding mobile application that can detect stress levels and give users instant feedback to help them manage their anxiety. By allowing personalization, reducing stress-inducing elements like vibrations, maintaining discrete functionality, and offering clear instructions for optimal operation, the device seeks to improve the user experience.

Proposed Key Features


  • Description: Users can tailor the reactions of the smart ring in terms of color, text, sound, and vibration. This function offers a customized user experience by enabling users to modify the device to correspond with their preferences.

  • Implementation: The corresponding mobile application will feature an easy-to-use interface, allowing users to adjust the output settings readily. There will be choices for sound effects, vibration patterns, and color schemes.

Silent Mode

  • Description: Thanks to silent mode, users can discreetly use the smart ring in public places without drawing attention. The ring won't show any buzz and colors in this mode, protecting privacy and avoiding any possible stressors brought on by being visible to the public.

  • Implementation: The smartphone app or a pre-programmed motion on the smart ring are the two ways users can enter Silent Mode. The gadget will continue to track stress levels in this mode, but it won't show any obvious warnings.

Stress-Reducing Feedback Mechanism

  • Description: If vibrations can cause stress, the gadget will provide different feedback methods that reduce tension. To induce relaxation, users can choose to have calming pictures or self-encouraging phrases displayed on the ring.

  • Implementation: There will be several customized feedback options available in the mobile app. Users can select between calming scenes, vibrations, or visual clues depending on their preferences.


  • Description: The mobile app will supply clear instructions regarding device activation and navigation to address customer inquiries. Users will find it easier to comprehend and make use of the smart ring's functionalities with the help of visual and audio clues, particularly in public spaces they are unfamiliar with.

  • Implementation: The mobile app will include an extensive user manual with detailed instructions. In order to assist users in activating particular functionalities, the smart ring may also include subtly colored dots.

Ideal System Proposal

Higher Architecture and Components

We have proposed the “Calmi Ring”, a ring that helps users detect anxiety and help them with coping mechanisms. It is designed to monitor and manage anxiety levels for users in public spaces providing insights into their physiological response to stress.

Calmi Ring is adorned with anxiety-detecting sensors and serves as a wearable IoT device. Linked to the internet, the ring seamlessly transmits real-time data to a cloud-based server, where sophisticated algorithms analyze the physiological indicators of the user's emotional state. The processed information is then relayed to the user's computer, acting as an intermediary hub in this IoT ecosystem.

A dedicated application on the computer interprets the data and triggers notifications when heightened anxiety is detected. This alert is seamlessly transmitted to the user through a mobile application, creating a comprehensive and interconnected system.

Ideal System Proposal

Higher Architecture and Components

We have proposed the “Calmi Ring”, a ring that helps users detect anxiety and help them with coping mechanisms. It is designed to monitor and manage anxiety levels for users in public spaces providing insights into their physiological response to stress.

Calmi Ring is adorned with anxiety-detecting sensors and serves as a wearable IoT device. Linked to the internet, the ring seamlessly transmits real-time data to a cloud-based server, where sophisticated algorithms analyze the physiological indicators of the user's emotional state. The processed information is then relayed to the user's computer, acting as an intermediary hub in this IoT ecosystem.

A dedicated application on the computer interprets the data and triggers notifications when heightened anxiety is detected. This alert is seamlessly transmitted to the user through a mobile application, creating a comprehensive and interconnected system.

Ideal System Proposal

Higher Architecture and Components

We have proposed the “Calmi Ring”, a ring that helps users detect anxiety and help them with coping mechanisms. It is designed to monitor and manage anxiety levels for users in public spaces providing insights into their physiological response to stress.

Calmi Ring is adorned with anxiety-detecting sensors and serves as a wearable IoT device. Linked to the internet, the ring seamlessly transmits real-time data to a cloud-based server, where sophisticated algorithms analyze the physiological indicators of the user's emotional state. The processed information is then relayed to the user's computer, acting as an intermediary hub in this IoT ecosystem.

A dedicated application on the computer interprets the data and triggers notifications when heightened anxiety is detected. This alert is seamlessly transmitted to the user through a mobile application, creating a comprehensive and interconnected system.


Higher Architecture & Key Components of Calmi Ring

The entire IoT architecture, from the smart ring's sensors to the cloud-based analysis and user notifications on both computer and mobile applications, forms an integrated solution designed to provide timely awareness and support for individuals experiencing anxiety in public spaces.

The device can be connected to a mobile application allowing users to visualize their anxiety data over time, and receive notifications based on their stress levels. Additionally, the app enables users to customize the frequency and intensity of haptic reminders, tailoring the experience to their individual needs, and users can also switch between normal and safe modes.


Ring Design

Based on our research on Higher architecture maps, we mapped out a storyboard to identify the issues our potential target user is facing, the problem we are attempting to solve, and the possible benefit our smart ring could offer.


Ring Design

Based on our research on Higher architecture maps, we mapped out a storyboard to identify the issues our potential target user is facing, the problem we are attempting to solve, and the possible benefit our smart ring could offer.


Ring Design

Based on our research on Higher architecture maps, we mapped out a storyboard to identify the issues our potential target user is facing, the problem we are attempting to solve, and the possible benefit our smart ring could offer.


The Initial Storyboard for Ideation

This storyboard helps visualize our target user group and the anxiety-reduction potential of the smart ring. In order to create a physical ring prototype and a phone app, we integrate the functionality we designed from a higher architecture map with the user pain points we discovered from the storyboard. We then designed the ring functionality with colors, vibration, and sensors, and its augmented functionality with data visualization, silent mode, and customizable notifications on the app.


The digital ring prototype was developed by using hand sketches and Figma

The digital ring prototype was developed

by using hand sketches and Figma

Ring Prototype

BDuring the prototype development process, the functional components were assembled using a breadboard. To illustrate the technological characteristics of the prototype, lights were used that displayed a visual representation of anxiety levels by changing color based on the user's pulse. An app was used to simulate real-time anxiety monitoring, and a Wizard of Oz technique was used to speed up the prototype creation process by permitting manual color adjustment of the light. A workable solution for managing anxiety in public areas was created by the prototype, which effectively demonstrated the integration of technology, sensors, and user interaction.

Ring Prototype

BDuring the prototype development process, the functional components were assembled using a breadboard. To illustrate the technological characteristics of the prototype, lights were used that displayed a visual representation of anxiety levels by changing color based on the user's pulse. An app was used to simulate real-time anxiety monitoring, and a Wizard of Oz technique was used to speed up the prototype creation process by permitting manual color adjustment of the light. A workable solution for managing anxiety in public areas was created by the prototype, which effectively demonstrated the integration of technology, sensors, and user interaction.

Ring Prototype

BDuring the prototype development process, the functional components were assembled using a breadboard. To illustrate the technological characteristics of the prototype, lights were used that displayed a visual representation of anxiety levels by changing color based on the user's pulse. An app was used to simulate real-time anxiety monitoring, and a Wizard of Oz technique was used to speed up the prototype creation process by permitting manual color adjustment of the light. A workable solution for managing anxiety in public areas was created by the prototype, which effectively demonstrated the integration of technology, sensors, and user interaction.

Blue - Neutrality

Green - Calmness

Red - Anxiety or nervous


The proposed technological device has lights that display the anxiety level by monitoring the user's pulse.

The proposed technological device has lights that display the anxiety level by monitoring the user's pulse.

Connected Application Prototype

At the same time, we drafted up the connected app interfaces below that would be utilized in our product video demonstration. It includes processes such as onboarding, customizing the ring notifications, checking data and recommended activities, and silent mode used for disabling ring notifications.

Connected Application Prototype

At the same time, we drafted up the connected app interfaces below that would be utilized in our product video demonstration. It includes processes such as onboarding, customizing the ring notifications, checking data and recommended activities, and silent mode used for disabling ring notifications.

Connected Application Prototype

At the same time, we drafted up the connected app interfaces below that would be utilized in our product video demonstration. It includes processes such as onboarding, customizing the ring notifications, checking data and recommended activities, and silent mode used for disabling ring notifications.


Onboarding: Users can pair the ring with the mobile device automatically when sign in. View click-through prototype

Onboarding: Users can pair the ring with the mobile device automatically when sign in. View click-through prototype


Feature #1: Users can customize the ring notifications at “My Device”. View click-through prototype

Feature #1: Users can customize the ring notifications at “My Device”. View click-through prototype


Feature #2: Users can check the ring feedback and be recommended activities to relieve anxiety. View click-through prototype


Feature #3: Users can disable/enable ring notifications by using the silent mode. View click-through prototype

Product Video



Looking back at the creation of the Smart Anxiety Management Ring and the accompanying mobile app, the main drawback is that the prototype was only medium-fidelity. Due to limitations in terms of time, technological accessibility, and the requirement for preliminary testing, fully functional functionalities were not able to be implemented, therefore simulated interactions were utilized instead. The depth of user feedback and the capacity to thoroughly verify the efficacy of stress-detection techniques may be impacted by this constraint. The physical prototype and simulated app interface will be iteratively improved in the next stages in response to user testing and feedback sessions.

Next Steps:

Furthermore, developing sophisticated stress-detection techniques and optimizing the design of the system to resolve any found drawbacks would be essential to achieving a complete and user-friendly Smart Anxiety Management Ring. The development process provided insightful information on the difficulties in striking a balance between usability, feasibility, and functionality. It has also highlighted the significance of ongoing improvement to satisfy user needs and resolve new problems.



Looking back at the creation of the Smart Anxiety Management Ring and the accompanying mobile app, the main drawback is that the prototype was only medium-fidelity. Due to limitations in terms of time, technological accessibility, and the requirement for preliminary testing, fully functional functionalities were not able to be implemented, therefore simulated interactions were utilized instead. The depth of user feedback and the capacity to thoroughly verify the efficacy of stress-detection techniques may be impacted by this constraint. The physical prototype and simulated app interface will be iteratively improved in the next stages in response to user testing and feedback sessions.

Next Steps:

Furthermore, developing sophisticated stress-detection techniques and optimizing the design of the system to resolve any found drawbacks would be essential to achieving a complete and user-friendly Smart Anxiety Management Ring. The development process provided insightful information on the difficulties in striking a balance between usability, feasibility, and functionality. It has also highlighted the significance of ongoing improvement to satisfy user needs and resolve new problems.



Looking back at the creation of the Smart Anxiety Management Ring and the accompanying mobile app, the main drawback is that the prototype was only medium-fidelity. Due to limitations in terms of time, technological accessibility, and the requirement for preliminary testing, fully functional functionalities were not able to be implemented, therefore simulated interactions were utilized instead. The depth of user feedback and the capacity to thoroughly verify the efficacy of stress-detection techniques may be impacted by this constraint. The physical prototype and simulated app interface will be iteratively improved in the next stages in response to user testing and feedback sessions.

Next Steps:

Furthermore, developing sophisticated stress-detection techniques and optimizing the design of the system to resolve any found drawbacks would be essential to achieving a complete and user-friendly Smart Anxiety Management Ring. The development process provided insightful information on the difficulties in striking a balance between usability, feasibility, and functionality. It has also highlighted the significance of ongoing improvement to satisfy user needs and resolve new problems.

Thank you for reading my case study!

Calmi Ring

A wearable device that monitors and manages social anxiety in situations where typical interventions aren’t feasible


Calmi Ring

A wearable device that monitors and manages social anxiety in situations where typical interventions aren’t feasible


World's first AI-powered scheduling app


Overall: 8+ weeks
Research: 2+ weeks
Design & testing: 6 weeks


Google Workspace



Weather app image
Weather app image

Project description

Calmi Ring incorporates three key sensors: a heart rate monitor, a skin condition sensor, and an algorithm to analyze biometric signals. The device features a haptic feedback mechanism that delivers consistent reminders to engage in calming activities. The Calmi Ring system provides users with real-time insights into their emotional well-being and proactive support for managing anxiety in their daily lives.


Looking back at the creation of the Smart Anxiety Management Ring and the accompanying mobile app, the main drawback is that the prototype was only medium-fidelity. Due to limitations in terms of time, technological accessibility, and the requirement for preliminary testing, fully functional functionalities were not able to be implemented, therefore simulated interactions through Wizard of Oz were utilized instead. The depth of user feedback and the capacity to thoroughly verify the efficacy of stress-detection techniques may be impacted by this constraint. The physical prototype and simulated app interface will be iteratively improved in the next stages in response to user testing and feedback sessions.

Additionally, exploring advanced stress-detection methods and refining the system's architecture to address any identified limitations will be crucial in realizing a comprehensive and user-friendly Smart Anxiety Management Ring. The development process has provided valuable insights into the challenges of balancing functionality with feasibility and user experience, emphasizing the importance of continuous refinement to meet user expectations and address emerging issues.


This category details the step-by-step approach taken during the project, including research, planning, design, development, testing, and optimization phases.

Research & Planning

Conducted market research to identify existing scheduling challenges and user preferences. Defined target audience segments and outlined key features based on user needs and market trends.

Design & Prototyping

Collaborated with designers to create intuitive user interfaces and interactive prototypes. Iteratively refined designs based on user feedback to enhance usability and visual appeal.


Leveraged agile development methodologies to build the scheduling app from the ground up. Prioritized feature development based on user feedback and technical feasibility. Implemented AI algorithms to analyze user behavior and optimize scheduling recommendations.

Testing & Optimization

Conducted rigorous testing across various devices and platforms to ensure compatibility and performance. Gathered user feedback through beta testing and iteratively optimized the app based on usability metrics and user satisfaction.


The resulting AI-powered scheduling app offers a seamless user experience, allowing individuals and businesses to effortlessly manage their schedules.

Intelligent Scheduling

AI algorithms analyze user preferences, availability, and priorities to generate optimized schedules.

Calendar Integration

Seamless integration with popular calendar platforms such as Google Calendar and Outlook, ensuring synchronized scheduling across devices.


Customizable settings allow users to tailor scheduling preferences and priorities to their unique needs.


Connect to Content

Add layers or components to make infinite auto-playing slideshows.


Here, the outcomes and achievements of the project are highlighted, including user feedback, adoption rates, and industry recognition.

Increased Efficiency

Users report significant time savings and improved productivity through optimized scheduling recommendations.

Positive User Feedback

High user satisfaction ratings and positive reviews highlight the app's intuitive interface and powerful AI capabilities.

Growing User Base

The app quickly gained traction among individuals and businesses worldwide, with a steady increase in user adoption and engagement.

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© 2024 • Handmade with Figma, Framer, and love ❤️

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If you are in pursuit of a designer committed to turning challenges into delightful experiences, let's talk!



© 2024 • Handmade with Figma, Framer, and love ❤️

Get in touch!

If you are in pursuit of a designer committed to turning challenges into delightful experiences, let's talk!



© 2024 • Handmade with Figma, Framer, and love ❤️